The authors of the draft-pauly-ipsecme-split-dns has asked the early
IANA code point allocation for the INTERNAL_DNS_DOMAIN specified in
draft-pauly-ipsecme-split-dns. This request only covers

As a WG chair I have checked the request, and the draft, and I think
it fullfills the conditions specified in the RFC7120 section 2 for the
early code point allocation:

   a.  The code points must be from a space designated as "RFC
       Required", "IETF Review", or "Standards Action".  Additionally,
       requests for early assignment of code points from a
       "Specification Required" registry are allowed if the
       specification will be published as an RFC.

   b.  The format, semantics, processing, and other rules related to
       handling the protocol entities defined by the code points
       (henceforth called "specifications") must be adequately described
       in an Internet-Draft.

   c.  The specifications of these code points must be stable; i.e., if
       there is a change, implementations based on the earlier and later
       specifications must be seamlessly interoperable.

   d.  The Working Group chairs and Area Directors (ADs) judge that
       there is sufficient interest in the community for early (pre-RFC)
       implementation and deployment, or that failure to make an early
       allocation might lead to contention for the code point in the

Including the (d) i.e., I think there is enough interest in the
community for the early implementation and deployment of the code

This email is just to verify that nobody has any objections to this
interpretation that there is enough interest in the community.

Send your comments to the list if you have anything to say about the
early code point allocation request.

As this thing was actually requested some time ago, but got hold in
vacations etc during the xmas, I do not plan to wait for too long for
comments, so please send them ASAP (preferrably by the end of week) so
we can start the IANA process for the early allocation soon.

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