Thanks, I will change that (but not put in the part about 5)

The RFC editor anyway changes this to “IANA has assigned the value 5 in the …” 
so it doesn’t matter much what we write.

Modified the PR


> On 13 Mar 2017, at 1:21, David Schinazi <> wrote:
> Yoav,
> The diff looks good to me.
> Based on the discussion in this thread, it looks like there is consensus
> to not use 0 as the value for Identity.
> Would it make sense to reflect that in the document?
> The "IANA Considerations" section currently states:
> IANA is requested to assign a new value from the "IKEv2 Hash
> Algorithms" registry with name "Identity" and this document as
> reference.  Since the value zero was reserved by RFC 7427 and this
> "Identity" hash is no hash at all, assigning the value zero to
> Identity seems appropriate.
> Could we replace this with:
> IANA is requested to assign a new value from the "IKEv2 Hash
> Algorithms" registry with name "Identity" and this document as
> reference. Since several current implementation already use
> the value zero with a different meaning, assigning the next
> available value (currently 5) seems appropriate.
> Thanks,
> David
>> On Mar 12, 2017, at 11:14, Yoav Nir < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> Hi, Daniel.
>> See my comments inline.
>> Also see this pull request: 
>> <>
>> Unless I hear some push-back, I will submit this right before the deadline.
>> Yoav
>>> On 8 Mar 2017, at 20:49, Daniel Migault < 
>>> <>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Please find my comments regarding the draft. I believe the draft is ready 
>>> to be moved forward. I do not have strong opinion on the value to assign.
>>> Yours,
>>> Daniel
>>>    The Internet Key Exchange protocol [RFC7296] can use arbitrary
>>>    signature algorithms as described in [RFC7427].  The latter RFC
>>>    defines the SIGNATURE_HASH_ALGORITHMS notification where each side of
>>>    the IKE negotiation lists its supported hash algorithms.  This
>>>    assumes that all signature schemes involve a hashing phase followed
>>>    by a signature phase.  This made sense because most signature
>>>    algorithms either cannot sign messages bigger than their key or
>>>    truncate messages bigger than their key.
>>>    EdDSA ([I.D-eddsa]) defines signature methods that do not require
>>>    pre-hashing of the message.  Unlike other methods, these accept
>>>    arbitrary-sized messages, so no pre-hashing is required.  These
>>>    methods are called Ed25519 and Ed448, which respectively use the
>>>    Edwards 25519 and the Edwards 448 ("Goldilocks") curves.  Although
>>>    that document also defines pre-hashed versions of these algorithm,
>>>    those versions are not recommended for protocols where the entire to-
>>>    be-signed message is available at once.
>>> MGLT: I think that a pointer for the recommendation should be provided - 
>>> section 10.5 of I.D-eddsa.
>> Added. Except that now it’s in section 8.5 of RFC 8032.
>>> The first sentence of the paragraph above confuses me. Although this si 
>>> true, I prefer to say that  EdDSA ([I.D-eddsa]) defines signatures methods 
>>> that includes pre-hasing as well as signature methods that do not require 
>>> prehashing.
>> Yes, but the first paragraph is all about the assumption that all signature 
>> methods have a pre-hash stage. The new thing about EdDSA is that it 
>> introduces a method that does not have a pre-hash stage. The fact that we 
>> are not even specifying the use of EdDSA with pre-hash is all the more 
>> reason to push the mention of this to the end of the paragraph.
>> How about:
>>    EdDSA ([RFC8032]) defines signature methods that do not require pre-
>>    hashing of the message.  Unlike other methods, these accept
>>    arbitrary-sized messages, so no pre-hashing is required.  These
>>    methods are called Ed25519 and Ed448, which respectively use the
>>    Edwards 25519 and the Edwards 448 ("Goldilocks") curves.  Although
>>    that document also defines pre-hashed versions of these algorithm,
>>    those versions are not recommended for protocols where the entire to-
>>    be-signed message is available at once.  See section 8.5 or RFC 8032
>>    for that recommendation.
>>>    EdDSA defines the binary format of the signatures that should be used
>>>    in the "Signature Value" field of the Authentication Data Format in
>>>    section 3.  The CURDLE PKIX document ([I.D-curdle-pkix]) defines the
>>>    object identifiers (OIDs) for these signature methods.  For
>>>    convenience, these OIDs are repeated in Appendix A.
>>> MGLT: Note that the pkix document is still on discussion. -- Although IOD 
>>> seems out of the scope of the discussion.
>> Since I’m referencing an I-D normatively, they become a cluster. If Curdle 
>> decides to allocate other OIDs we’ll fix this specification as well.
>> Not that any of us expect that to happen.
>> Yoav
>> BTW: RFC 8032 is Informational, while this document and RFC4492bis and the 
>> Curdle I-D are standards track. So I guess the shepherd’s write-up should 
>> reflect that RFC 8032 should be added to the downref registry.
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