Hi all.

As you know, the in-person IETF meeting in Vancouver has been cancelled. There 
is a reduced schedule for virtual meetings [1], but it does not include 
IPsecME.  The IESG chair has published a recommended schedule [2] for the 
working groups to hold virtual meetings in April instead of the physical 
session in Vancouver.  For IPsecME, the chosen date is Wednesday, April 8th, 
but we are free to choose to meet at that date at whatever time is convenient, 
or we may choose a different date in May, or we may skip the meeting altogether 
if we don’t believe there is added value in holding a virtual meeting over just 
using email.

Please note that virtual meetings are pretty poor for status and progress 
reports. They are functional for specific discussion and for making decisions.

So, if you are interested in holding a meeting, please reply to this with three 
pieces of information:
Work item you would like to discuss online, for example: the traffic flow 
security draft  (possible to have more than 1)
A thing you think requires discussion online that doesn’t seem to get settled 
in email (example: which protocol number to use)
Preferred time of day for the interim meeting (please state that in UTC to 
avoid confusion)


Tero & Yoav

[1] https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/107/agenda 

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