Christian Hopps <> wrote:
    > Whether we support generic transport or only a subset of transport
    > configurations (e.g., tunnels) or both, the reasons we make whatever
    > choices we make, and the mechanisms for how to implement TFS with
    > whatever is chosen, is what this new draft would cover. I see this
    > building on top of the TFS tunnel mode draft.

    > The rest of what I put above was really just ideas for what would go in
    > that new draft. My thinking that if we wanted to support a subset of
    > transport mode configurations (e.g., for use with GRE, SRv6, IP-IP,
    > etc) we could specify that by defining a set of restrictions on the
    > user IP headers. I'm not sure if that's what you mean is a hack or not,
    > but I figured if we define it by the restrictions rather than
    > specifically only for GRE it's more broadly useful for little extra
    > cost. In any case the discussion of this and definition is what I think
    > would go well in the context of it's own draft.

I understand you, and I agree with your idea.
I agree with putting it into a different draft, but we might need to clearly
articulate where the extension point is in this draft.
I will have to re-read the document, since it's been awhile since I read it.

Michael Richardson <>, Sandelman Software Works
 -= IPv6 IoT consulting =-

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