Toerless Eckert writes:
> If insights like there would be documented more prominentaly, like
> in a living IETF document, then they would fsater trickle through
> implementers.

That kind of things were usually found in the interop events where
there were few dozen vendors testing againt each other. We did
document some of those issues in documents like RFC4718 IKEv2
Clarifications and Implementation Guidelines. Most vendors are not
very keen on telling how they actually manage to get the performance
gains they do, because that is one of their benefits, if they are 3%
faster than competitor because they actually modify operating system
so that it always makes sure there is space at the end of packet for

It is much easier to get vendors to disclose, issues that affect
interoperability than issues that affect performance. And even those
cases they do no want company names to be mentioned. 

They might tell their secret performance enhancing tricks during
friendly talk with other implementor, but might not want this to be
written down (as then they would need permission from the management,
which would most likely say no way).

> > So immediately when the options to use start to depend on the
> > platform, implementation etc it gets harder and harder to find out
> > which will be the optimal combination between two devices, and they
> > might end up using suboptimal feature set. And all of those add more
> > complexity and combinations that needs to be tested.
> Before the next profile changes as to what options SOULD/MUST be supported,
> there could be a collection round of evidence: If a new protocol option
> has documented performance results in comparison to prior MUST options
> that show e.g.: double performance, you will have a hard time to reject
> it. If it doesn't have such data, you will have an easy way to reject it.

If there would be someone who finds a way to double the performance
then yes, that would be huge difference, but when we are talking
implementations which should be able to use 95% of the capacity of the
network link anyways, the performance gains are usually much smaller.

For large packets the speed is usually restricted either by the
network speed, or the raw crypto speed. For small packets the
issues are quite often in general operating system overhead (i.e.,
even without crypto things tend to be slow). 

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