I verified that the example in Appendix A of RFC 8031 is incorrect as
reported, but I do not believe that updating the values as suggested
in this errata completely fixes the example.

The corrected values given in the report are valid if they are
interpreted as little-endian encoded coordinates (i.e. apply
decodeUCoordinate from RFC 7448). However, RFC 8031 (and the reporter)
represented pub_i, pub_r and SHARED_SECRET as a byte-separated
strings, whereas earlier values in 8031 in this byte-separated format
(random_i, random_r, fixed_i, fixed_r) all appear to be in big endian
order and the d_i and d_r explicitly encoded in little-endian are
given as a single string. Therefore, I think the pub_i, pub_r,
SHARED_SECRET values should be in big endian order if they are
byte-separated, or as a single little-endian encoded string (i.e.
remove the spacings between bytes).

Additionally, I believe that fixed_i and fixed_r are incorrect
according to the clamping procedure from RFC 7748 (i.e.
decodeScalar25519). This decodeScalar25519 can be unambiguously
applied directly to the given d_i and this should result in fixed_i.
However, the least significant byte of decodeScalar25519(d_i) is 0x50
not matching 0x54 in fixed_i. Similarly, the most significant byte of
decodeScalar25519(d_r) is 0x48 not matching 0x08 in fixed_r. It would
appear that the clamping was incorrectly applied to the big-endian
ordered strings, random_i and random_r, to obtain the fixed_i and
fixed_r values in the RFC.

So to correct this, we should have

  fixed_i = 70 1f b4 30 86 55 b4 76 b6 78 9b 73 25 f9 ea 8c
             dd d1 6a 58 53 3f f6 d9 e6 00 09 46 4a 5f 9d 50

  fixed_r = 48 54 64 52 53 29 0d 60 dd ad d0 e0 30 ba cd 9e
             55 01 ef dc 22 07 55 a1 e9 78 f1 b8 39 a0 56 48

and random_i and random_r must be also updated to account for the
clamping applied on the little-endian ordered bytes, allowing some
freedom in choice of the bits masked out. For example, one could use

  random_i = b0 1f b4 30 86 55 b4 76 b6 78 9b 73 25 f9 ea 8c
             dd d1 6a 58 53 3f f6 d9 e6 00 09 46 4a 5f 9d 56

  random_r = 88 54 64 52 53 29 0d 60 dd ad d0 e0 30 ba cd 9e
             55 01 ef dc 22 07 55 a1 e9 78 f1 b8 39 a0 56 4a


On Sun, Dec 6, 2020 at 6:12 PM Benjamin Kaduk <ka...@mit.edu> wrote:
> Can anyone speak to the history of the examples here (or the content of the
> report itself)?
> Thanks,
> Ben
> On Tue, Nov 17, 2020 at 10:46:21AM -0800, RFC Errata System wrote:
> > The following errata report has been submitted for RFC8031,
> > "Curve25519 and Curve448 for the Internet Key Exchange Protocol Version 2 
> > (IKEv2) Key Agreement".
> >
> > --------------------------------------
> > You may review the report below and at:
> > https://www.rfc-editor.org/errata/eid6339
> >
> > --------------------------------------
> > Type: Technical
> > Reported by: Christian Tschudin <christian.tschu...@unibas.ch>
> >
> > Section: Appendix A
> >
> > Original Text
> > -------------
> > The public keys are generated from this using the formula in
> > Section 2:
> >
> > pub_i = X25519(d_i, G) =
> >              48 d5 dd d4 06 12 57 ba 16 6f a3 f9 bb db 74 f1
> >              a4 e8 1c 08 93 84 fa 77 f7 90 70 9f 0d fb c7 66
> >
> > pub_r = X25519(d_r, G) =
> >              0b e7 c1 f5 aa d8 7d 7e 44 86 62 67 32 98 a4 43
> >              47 8b 85 97 45 17 9e af 56 4c 79 c0 ef 6e ee 25
> >
> > And this is the value of the Key Exchange Data field in the Key
> > Exchange payload described in Section 3.1.  The shared value is
> > calculated as in Section 2:
> >
> > SHARED_SECRET = X25519(d_i, pub_r) = X25519(d_r, pub_i) =
> >              c7 49 50 60 7a 12 32 7f-32 04 d9 4b 68 25 bf b0
> >              68 b7 f8 31 9a 9e 37 08-ed 3d 43 ce 81 30 c9 50
> >
> >
> > Corrected Text
> > --------------
> > The public keys are generated from this using the formula in
> > Section 2:
> >
> > pub_i = X25519(d_i, G) =
> >              a7 07 b3 bc 0f 37 56 fc 0a cf 33 55 85 c5 f7 7b
> >              9f 29 ff a4 24 70 14 af 84 70 5b eb 50 46 26 29
> >
> > pub_r = X25519(d_r, G) =
> >              0e 57 7e 11 5d 6c 08 59 b8 51 36 d2 1b 1c fd 74
> >              67 9f 91 14 61 1d 79 c6 81 ba d0 8a 7e 1f 0a 04
> >
> > And this is the value of the Key Exchange Data field in the Key
> > Exchange payload described in Section 3.1.  The shared value is
> > calculated as in Section 2:
> >
> > SHARED_SECRET = X25519(d_i, pub_r) = X25519(d_r, pub_i) =
> >              d6 8d 8c ea fd 2c d3 ce 25 34 43 33 c8 9e 35 54
> >              9e 0f c6 1a 98 87 39 34 b1 8a 18 70 f0 3a 17 0c
> >
> >
> > Notes
> > -----
> > The test vector values given both for the public keys and for the shared 
> > secret are wrong. It turns out that they were derived from the unchanged 
> > random input, instead of d_X. An explanation could be that a first text 
> > version did not include the fixing of the random bits and that after 
> > inserting the respective paragraph (introducing fixed_X and d_X), it was 
> > forgotten to update pub_X and SHARED_SECRET.
> >
> > This discrepancy came to my attention when testing the Yubikey 5 hardware 
> > and comparing it with the NaCl library and RFC8031. While the NaCl library 
> > works as expected, it is disturbing to see that the Yubikey can only be 
> > made to produce the desired (above and corrected) shared secret if you let 
> > it compute X25519(fixed_i,pub_r). That is, the secret must be presented to 
> > the Yubikey in big-endian format which could be "inspired" by the (not very 
> > detailed) Smartcard spec 3.4.1 that refers to ANSI X9.62 where curve 
> > parameters, prefixed with 0x04, are encoded in big-endian order - clearly 
> > the ANSI encoding is not useful here as we only need one parameter u. I 
> > wonder whether RFC8031 should spell out that input parameters (d_X and 
> > pub_X) SHOULD be presented in encoded form (and thus little-endian), hence 
> > putting manufacturers in charge of documenting any deviation.
> >
> > Instructions:
> > -------------
> > This erratum is currently posted as "Reported". If necessary, please
> > use "Reply All" to discuss whether it should be verified or
> > rejected. When a decision is reached, the verifying party
> > can log in to change the status and edit the report, if necessary.
> >
> > --------------------------------------
> > RFC8031 (draft-ietf-ipsecme-safecurves-05)
> > --------------------------------------
> > Title               : Curve25519 and Curve448 for the Internet Key Exchange 
> > Protocol Version 2 (IKEv2) Key Agreement
> > Publication Date    : December 2016
> > Author(s)           : Y. Nir, S. Josefsson
> > Category            : PROPOSED STANDARD
> > Source              : IP Security Maintenance and Extensions
> > Area                : Security
> > Stream              : IETF
> > Verifying Party     : IESG
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