
I performed a AD review of draft-ietf-ipsecme-rfc8229bis-05.  Thanks for 
revising RFC8229 with this new guidance.  Comments are below:

** The abstract notes that many of the document updates came from deployment 
experience.  I'm hoping to incorporate that feedback on a particular issue.  
There are a number places in this document where qualitative recommendations 
are made about various network stack timers.  Can quantitative recommendations 
be made in any of the following:

-- Section 7.1  "If the TCP connection is no more associated with any active 
IKE SA, the TCP Responder MAY close the connection to clean up resources if TCP 
Originator didn't close it within some reasonable period of time."

-- Section 7.4. "In particular, it is advised that the Initiator should not act 
immediately after receiving error    notification and should instead wait some 
time for valid response, ..."

-- Section 8.1. "If no response is received within a certain period of time 
after several retransmissions ..."

-- Section 8.4. "For the client, the cluster failover event may remain 
undetected for long time  if it has no IKE or ESP traffic to send. "

-- Section 8.4.  "if support for High Availability in IKEv2 is negotiated and 
TCP transport is used, a client that is a TCP Originator  SHOULD periodically  
send IKEv2 messages (e.g. by initiating liveness check exchange) whenever there 
   is no IKEv2 or ESP traffic."

The only place I found quantitative guidance was in Section 7.3.1.

** Section 6.1.  Editorial.  s/with new Initiators's SPI/with the Initiator's 
new SPI/

** Section 7.1  Editorial.

If the TCP connection is no more

If the TCP connection is no longer    associated  

** Section 7.3  Should something be said about the utility of mixing both SYN 
Cookies and IKEv2 Cookies?

** Section 7.3
   *  the exchange Responder SHOULD NOT request a Cookie, with the
      exception of Puzzles or in rare cases like preventing TCP Sequence
      Number attacks.

I'm having trouble following this guidance.  Is this saying "you SHOULD NOT 
send IKEv2 Cookies without Puzzles?".  If so, is this the intent:
The exchange Responder SHOULD NOT request a IKEv2 Cookie without a Puzzle, 
unless mitigation against only TCP Sequence Number attacks is desired?

** Section 7.3.  Typo. s/change change/change/

** Section 7.6
... TCP keep-alives [RFC1122] and TLS keep-alives [RFC6520]
   may be used

Should this be "... MAY be used"? 

** Section 7.7.  Editorial.  s/Besides, TCP encapsulation/TCP encapsulation/

** Section 8.3.  Typo. s/incative/inactive/

** Section 8.4.
This document makes the following recommendation: if support for High
   Availability in IKEv2 is negotiated and TCP transport is used, a
   client that is a TCP Originator SHOULD periodically send IKEv2
   messages (e.g. by initiating liveness check exchange) whenever there
   is no IKEv2 or ESP traffic.  This differs from the recommendations
   given in Section 2.4 of [RFC7296] in the following: the liveness
   check should be periodically performed even if the client has nothing
   to send over ESP.  The frequency of sending such messages should be
   high enough to allow quick detection and restoring of broken TCP

-- Due to the change in behavior being suggested to RFC7296, did the WG discuss 
this document formally updating it (RFC7296)?

-- Consider using a more precise term that "TCP Originator"

** Appendix A.  Would there be a reason not to reference a recommended 
conformance to RFC7525 or draft-ietf-uta-rfc7525bis for TLS connections?


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