See below...
Dr. Joe Touch, temporal epistemologist

> On Jun 2, 2022, at 8:03 AM, Valery Smyslov <> wrote:
> HI Joe,
> On Jun 2, 2022, at 12:55 AM, Valery Smyslov < 
> <>> wrote:
>> HI Joe,
>> one more question:
>>           You can also note that there are ways to mitigate the cost of 
>> resync when
>>           this implementation is tightly coupled with TCP, e.g., by ensuring 
>> every Nth
>>           IPsec packet starts at the beginning of a new TCP packet.
>>          How would this help? Can you please elaborate?
> If every 4th IPsec packet is always aligned to the TCP segment data start, 
> then resync checks could be simple and rapid - check only the first bytes for 
> a known pattern.
> That makes resync happen with lower overhead, i.e., rather than searching the 
> whole payload.
>           Interesting idea, but how the receiving node would know that 
> sending node employs this method?

They don’t need to. Basically the receiver should “check a few places until it 
wants to give up”. There’s no rule that resync must be exhaustive, but if it 
succeeds, it averts the need for a new connection.

>           And, in my understanding some middleboxes can re-arrange TCP 
> segments, merging and splitting them,

They DO this, as do some offloading devices, sometimes in ways that break TCP. 
But that doesn’t matter here - again, at the receiver, it either works or it 

>           so the beginning of IPsec packet may still appear in the middle of 
> TCP segment (the same can happen
>           with retransmissions, but I guess you assume that sending TCP/IP 
> stack would take care in this case, but it adds complexity).

Retransmissions don’t need to realign; the sender can just do this on first 
transmission. It’s just an optimization that helps the receiver potentially 
resync faster or not need to give up on resync as quickly.

>          So, I think that the idea is interesting, but the additional 
> complexity and unreliability makes it not so attractive.

It doesn’t need to be reliable to be useful, as per above.

>           Regards,
>           Valery.
> Joe
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