Hi John,

Many thanks for your review. Please see the response inline below.

Best wishes,

On Wed, 30 Nov 2022 at 20:56, John Scudder via Datatracker <nore...@ietf.org>

> John Scudder has entered the following ballot position for
> draft-ietf-ipsecme-ikev2-multiple-ke-10: No Objection

> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Thanks for this. I have just one comment, about what's probably just a
> typographical error but it interfered with my understanding of the point in
> question so it seemed worth mentioning.
> ### Section 2, (2) is missing a verb, but what verb?
> ```
> Hybrid. Currently, there does not exist a post-quantum key exchange that is
> trusted at the level that (EC)DH is trusted against conventional
> (non-quantum)
> adversaries. A hybrid post-quantum algorithm to be introduced next to
> well-established primitives, since the overall security is at least as
> strong
> as each individual primitive. ```
> The second sentence seems, at minimum, to be missing a verb. For instance
> you
> could interpolate "needs" between "algorithm" and "to be", but I'm not
> sure if
> that properly captures your intended meaning.

I see your point, perhaps we should rephrase the sentence to the following:

Combining a post-quantum algorithm next to well-established primitives
in a hybrid arrangement, would alleviate this concern since the overall
is at least as strong as each individual primitive.

Would this work with you?


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