
I conducted an AD review of draft-ietf-ipsecme-labeled-ipsec-09.  Thanks for 
the work on this document.  I have a few editorial recommendations that can be 
handled concurrently to IETF Last Call.

** Section 2.2.  s/it MUST not install/it MUST NOT install/  since "MUST no" is 
not a keyword

** Is repeating this (and related) normative guidance needed:

-- Section 2.2: "The TS_SECLABEL Traffic Selector Type MUST NOT be the only 
TS_TYPE present in the TS payload."

-- Section 3: "TS_SECLABEL MUST NOT be used without another TS_TYPE in a 
Traffic Selector Payload, as it does not specify a complete set of traffic 
selectors on its own."


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