Hi Panos,


Hi draft-ietf-ipsecme-ikev2-multiple-ke authors, ipsecme WG,


We have seen attempts to get early codepoints allocated for PQ-hybrid key 
exchanges in TLS 1.3 and HPKE in other IETF WGs. These, I
think, are are good steps. Note for these IANA registries the requirement is 
"Specification Required". 


How about new PQ Transform Type 4 identifiers in IKEv2? Currently the 
draft-ietf-ipsecme-ikev2-multiple-ke draft says

     It is assumed that new Transform Type 4 identifiers will be assigned later 
for various post-quantum key exchanges [


So, if draft-ietf-ipsecme-ikev2-multiple-ke will not assign new identifiers for 
Kyber-768 in
 should we be asking the Experts (Tero,
Valery) consider a new allocation?


          Yes, that's correct. 


          However, while it is possible to ask IANA for new allocation without 
any referencing document,

          as designated expert I would be much more comfortable if some 
document (even I-D) exists describing

          how to use Kyber-768 in specific environment of IKEv2. This may be a 
very short document referencing 

          generic Kyber specification and clarifying implementation details for 
IKEv2 (e.g. the format of the public key etc.).








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