Mahesh Jethanandani has entered the following ballot position for
draft-ietf-ipsecme-ikev2-auth-announce-09: No Objection

When responding, please keep the subject line intact and reply to all
email addresses included in the To and CC lines. (Feel free to cut this
introductory paragraph, however.)

Please refer to 
for more information about how to handle DISCUSS and COMMENT positions.

The document, along with other ballot positions, can be found here:


Thanks to Reese Enghardt for the General Area Review Team (Gen-ART) review
to Rifaat for the SECDIR review, and to Marc for the ARTART review.

Section 3.1, paragraph 14
>    If the responder has sent any CERTREQ payload in the IKE_SA_INIT,
>    then it MUST re-send the same payload(s) in the IKE_INTERMEDIATE
>    response containing the SUPPORTED_AUTH_METHODS notification if any of
>    the included Announcements has a non-zero Cert Link field (see
>    Section 3.2.2 and Section 3.2.3).  This requirement allows peers to
>    have a list of Announcements and a list of CAs in the same message,
>    which simplifies their linking (note, that this requirement is always
>    fulfilled for the IKE_SA_INIT and IKE_AUTH exchanges).  However, if
>    for any reason the responder doesn't re-send CERTREQ payload(s) in
>    the IKE_INTERMEDIATE exchange, then the initiator MUST NOT abort
>    negotiation.  Instead, the initiator MAY either link the
>    Announcements to the CAs received in the IKE_SA_INIT response, or MAY
>    ignore the Announcements containing links to CAs.

I am a little puzzled by the MUST at the beginning of the paragraph which
insists that CERTREQ payload should be sent in IKE_INTERMEDIATE response and
the MUST NOT/MAY at the bottom of the paragraph, which seems to be ok with not
re-sending the CERTREQ payload. Is it possible that the CERTREQ payloads are
not re-send and at the same time they do not fit in IKE_SA_INIT (without being

The IANA review of this document seems to not have concluded yet.

No reference entries found for these items, which were mentioned in the text:

Possible DOWNREF from this Standards Track doc to [IKEV2-IANA]. If so, the IESG
needs to approve it.

Found terminology that should be reviewed for inclusivity; see for background and more

 * Term "his"; alternatives might be "they", "them", "their"


All comments below are about very minor potential issues that you may choose to
address in some way - or ignore - as you see fit. Some were flagged by
automated tools (via, so there
will likely be some false positives. There is no need to let me know what you
did with these suggestions.

Section 1, paragraph 3

s/each peer uses/each peer use/

Section 3, paragraph 1
>    particular trust anchors.  Upon receiving this information the peer
>    may take it into consideration while selecting an algorithm for its
>    authentication if several alternatives are available.

This sentence does not parse for me. When it says, "the peer may take it into
consideration while ...", I seem to be missing what needs to be taken into

Section 3.2, paragraph 6
>    If more authentication methods are defined in future, the
>    corresponding documents must describe the semantics of the
>    announcements for these methods.  Implementations MUST ignore
>    announcements which semantics they don't understand.

s/announcements which semantics/announcements whose semantics/

Reference [RFC2409] to RFC2409, which was obsoleted by RFC4306 (this may be on

Section 1, paragraph 2
> or implementations, especially if so called hybrid schemes are used (e.g. se
>                                   ^^^^^^^^^
The expression "so-called" is usually spelled with a hyphen.

Section 3.1, paragraph 6
> E exchange, defined in [RFC9242] (i.e. the responder has received and is goin
>                                       ^^
It seems like there are too many consecutive spaces here.

Section 3.1, paragraph 8
> st to be sent in. This would allow to use IKE fragmentation [RFC7383] for lon
>                                    ^^^^^^
Did you mean "using"? Or maybe you should add a pronoun? In active voice,
"allow" + "to" takes an object, usually a pronoun.

"I", paragraph 6
>  field, and the Notify Message Type is set to <TBA by IANA>. The Notification
>                                     ^^^^^^
You have used the passive voice repeatedly in nearby sentences. To make your
writing clearer and easier to read, consider using active voice.

Section 3.2, paragraph 2
> uthentication methods are defined in future, the corresponding documents must
>                                   ^^^^^^^^^
The phrase "in future" is British English. Did you mean: "in the future"?

Section 3.2, paragraph 6
> ormat is used. This format allows to link the announcement with a particular
>                                   ^^^^^^^
Did you mean "linking"? Or maybe you should add a pronoun? In active voice,
"allow" + "to" takes an object, usually a pronoun.

Section 8.1, paragraph 5
> th-pq-composite-sigs-13>. Appendix A. Examples of Announcing Supported Authe
>                                      ^^
It seems like there are too many consecutive spaces here.

Section 8.2, paragraph 5
>                                       ^
It appears that a white space is missing.

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