On 2014-02-13 at 15:23 -0500, James Small wrote: > Interested in what you're using to send/receive SMTP over IPv6: > > A) Using ________ (product) from __________ (vendor)
Exim, from The Exim Maintainers; I'm one, and the mail between exim.org and my own mail box routinely goes over IPv6. To send, as a submission client, mutt, which works with IPv6, and I've set up Thunderbird in years past, it just worked. (I know this, because I used GSSAPI for auth, so the hostname was set IPv6-only because I only have enough IPs for per-service matching forward-reverse DNS, with service-based names, if I use IPv6). > B) Using ________ (service provider or "cloud solution") Gmail, to/from, works fine. -Phil