Many thanks to everyone who replied, even though most people were telling me 
about PPPoE rather than IPoE.
I am not all that familiar with PPPoE (need to educate myself!!), but I can see 
how many of the issues I mentioned go away with it.

- Philip

On 2014-03-25, at 13:29 , Philip Matthews wrote:

> Folks:
> Until recently, I was under the impression that most people were using 
> numbered v6 links to residential subscribers, allocating the WAN address 
> using DHCPv6.  However, recently two people have told me about a number of 
> providers that are doing unnumbered instead.
> So for anyone who has deployed or is planning to deploy residential IPv6, I 
> am curious to know which way you are going, and more importantly why you 
> selected that approach? My interest is primarily in IPoE, but I don't mind 
> hearing about PPPoE as well.
> The arguments I know or have heard for going numbered are:
> * Have a WAN address that one can ping remotely to verify connectivity (here 
> I am assuming using DHCPv6 to assign a specific IID like ::1)
> * Want to use TR-069
> The arguments I can think of for going unnumbered are:
> * Greater security
> * Plan to ping the loopback address on the CPE
> Additional questions for those who have chosen the unnumbered approach or are 
> using SLAAC to number the WAN address.
> * What are you doing wrt having an address to ping to confirm the CPE is 
> reachable?
> * For those doing unnumbered, do all CPEs implement the same algorithm for 
> selecting the loopback address according to WAA-7 in RFC 7084? If not, how do 
> you handle this? For example, do you only select CPEs that implement the same 
> algorithm? Do you just try the likely candidates until one works? Or 
> something else?
> - Philip

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