Dear ipv6-ops,

We are currently looking for volunteers with native IPv6 lines to
help us in our v6 measurement research.

8<--------- Background
We are interested in measuring IPv6 performance from home. As part
of the LEONE project [1], we have developed measurement tests that
compare performance over IPv4 and IPv6 to: a) Dual-stacked websites
and b) YouTube content delivery network (in collaboration with Aalto
University). The tests comes bundled with a LEONE SamKnows probe.


We currently have ~44 Vantage points (VP). Each VP runs a Leone
SamKnows probe. The google map [2] shows where these probes are
deployed. As you can see the VP sample is too small.


We prefer measuring from home networks, but are also open to
deploying probes elsewhere. Here is the current distribution of
probes by network type:

|  TYPE          |  # (PROBES)  |
|  Residential   |  26          |
|  Research/NREN |  8           |
|  Operator Lab  |  4           |
|  IXP           |  1           |
|  Business      |  3           |
|  Data Center   |  2           |
|  Total         |  44          |

8<--------- Request:
If you receive native IPv6 at home (or elsewhere), it would be great
if you can host a LEONE SamKnows probe for us. The probe will run
standard SamKnows tests [3] and our IPv6 tests. All of these are
active measurement tests only.


8<--------- Action:
Let me know if you’re interested, and I can share details on how to
get the probe to you. We only have limited number of LEONE SamKnows
probes. We will process the requests on first come first serve basis.

8<--------- Research Impact.
a) Measuring YouTube from Dual-Stacked Hosts
   Saba Ahsan, Vaibhav Bajpai, Jörg Ott, Jürgen Schönwälder
   Passive and Active Measurement Conference (PAM 2015),
   New York, March 2015.

b) Measuring TCP Connection Establishment Times of Dual-Stacked Web Services
   Vaibhav Bajpai, Jürgen Schönwälder
   9th International Conference on Network and Service Management, (CNSM 2013)
   Zürich, October 2013.

c) Measuring the Effects of Happy Eyeballs
   IPv6 Operations (v6ops) Working Group, IETF 87
   Berlin, July 2013

8<--------- Thanks.
Thank you so much for helping us in our research activity.

Best, Vaibhav

Vaibhav Bajpai

Research I, Room 91
Computer Networks and Distributed Systems (CNDS) Lab
School of Engineering and Sciences
Jacobs University Bremen, Germany

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