Hi Jordi,

    In  my opinion to adhere the GDPR regulations each mailing list (maybe 
mailing list operator) should have a data management policy and implement some 
simple rules. The data management policy  should be made available during the 
subscription. If anything changes in the regulation or in the policy all 
subscribed users should be notified and allow them to unsubscribe. 
Unsubscription can be done with any mail receiving from the particular mailing 
list  since the modern mailing list managers follow the RFC 8058 

Janos Mohacsi

On 2020. 04. 01. 10:33, JORDI PALET MARTINEZ wrote:

Hi Tore,

I've taken a quick look, because I don't know it by memory, but:

1) Before 25 May 2018, every EU citizen or resident must get a confirmation 
from any database holder with his personal data, to re-confirm the 
authorization. I'm not sure if that was done for this list. I believe this is 
art. 39 and some further text in the following articles.

2) Right to object. Art. 59, but also many others. It is not probably clearly 
said that it must be in a footer but it must be clearly available how to.


I don't have any problem myself, but I think it is good for the host of the 
list to comply with GDPR, to avoid any DPA fine.


El 1/4/20 10:11, "Tore Anderson" 
<ipv6-ops-bounces+jordi.palet=consulintel...@lists.cluenet.de en nombre de 


    > It is true however, that this list must follow GDPR, and this means 
having an explicit unsubscription link in the footer

    Which GDPR article requires that, exactly?


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