Let me thank you for all your work as a WG co-chair!

On Thu, Sep 15, 2016 at 2:51 PM, Anna Wilson <> wrote:
>> We therefore call for candidates for the post of IPv6 working group
>> chair. If you would like to stand for selection, please announce so to
>> the mailing list. The closing date for candidates is 23:59 UTC on Friday
>> 21st October 2016. (The Friday before the RIPE73 meeting.)
> While the procedure allows a chair to stand for re-selection at the end
> of their term, I do not plan to do so. Thank you all for the opportunity
> to help, and I'm looking forward to participating in future!
> Best regards,
> Anna
> --
> Anna Wilson, Service Desk Manager                   web:
> HEAnet Ltd, 5 George's Dock, IFSC, Dublin 1         tel: +353-1-660-9040
> Registered in Ireland, no 275301                    fax: +353-1-660-3666

SY, Jen Linkova aka Furry

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