On Thu, Oct 3, 2019 at 8:34 PM Jens Link <li...@quux.de> wrote:
> after now almost 12 years using, working and teaching[1]
> IPv6 I've come to the conclusion that IPv6 is a mistake and will
> not work.
> Therefore the RIPE IPv6 WG should be disbanded

I suspect that the fact that one member has lost his faith in
technology might not be a sufficient reason to close the working

>and replaced
> with a new WG that MUST investigate all possible solutions to
> artificially prolong the live of IPv4 till the day a new successor
> for IPv4 is created and implemented!

AFAIR you need to have a BoF first before you can get a new working group ;-P

SY, Jen Linkova aka Furry

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