Dear IPv6 wg list members.

In about 2 months, we will meet in Krakow, and ofcourse online.

We still need presentations for the meeting, and we also need candidates to be 
our new collegue.

For both you can send us (the chairs) your either presentation proposals or let 
us know that you are interested in becoming an IPv6-wg co chair.

See our previous messages:

Hello All,

RIPE 88 will be held in Krakow, Poland from 20-24 May 2024, as well as online.

For any participation form you can register here:

The IPv6 Working Group session is scheduled for Thursday 23 May from 11:00 . 
12:30 (UTC+1)

We are looking for presentations - please email :    ipv6-wg-chair (at) if you'd like to present.

Please also state if you intend to be online or onsite, and the duration of 
your presentation, and a short description of it.

Once we have decided on the agenda, we'll contact the presenters closer to the 

Hope to see as many of you as possible,

On behalf of the IPv6-WG

Christian, Jen, Ray

And the co-chair position:

Dear IPv6 Working Group,

Jen Linkova, who has been one of the co-chairs of the IPv6 Working Group since 

has announced she wishes to step down at the RIPE 88 meeting in Kraków, at the 
end of her term.

Thus, we have a call for candidates.

The term of a IPv6 WG co-chair is three years. A current co-chair may stand for

re-selection at the end of their term or may resign voluntarily at any time.

What is the IPv6 WG doing:

The working group activities may be anything useful in helping people to deploy 

and to manage IPv4/IPv6 co-existence. These activities include:



    Sharing deployment experiences

    Discussing and fixing operational issues

The co-chairs also prepare the program for the IPv6 WG session at the ripe 

The working group will cooperate with operators and others, both inside and 
outside the

networking industry, to share resources and combine efforts.

The tasks and expectations of a WG co-chair are described here:

A WG co-chair must comply with the Code of Conduct:

If you feel you are interested in this or have any questions on this, you can 
drop the current

co-chairs a note:  ipv6-wg-chair at

We kindly request you to respond at latest Friday 3-May-2024 midday CET 

when the call for candidates will be closed.

After this we will announce the candidates on the list, and you can express 
your support or concerns.

However, the official selection will take place at the RIPE 88 Meeting in 
Kraków during the IPv6 Working Group session.

On behalf of the IPv6 WG co-chairs,

Christian, Jen, Raymond

RIPE IPv6 Working Group co-Chair
To the co Chairs:<>
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