>1. I'm particularly interested in if this document updates Section 2.2
>   of draft-ietf-ipv6-addr-arch-v4-00.txt.

It's meant to supersede what's currently there, one way or another.
Ultimately, ipv6-addr-arch really ought to have a normative reference to
ipaddr-text-rep, but is there an issue with them being at different stages
of the standards track?  Perhaps we can't do that on this iteration.

In which order are ipv6-addr-arch-v4 and ipaddr-text-rep likely to be
published as RFCs?  If ipv6-addr-arch-v4 comes first, then ipaddr-text-rep
should be noted as updating it.  If the other way round, ipv6-addr-arch
should either explicitly reference ipaddr-text-rep or copy the new,
precise, text from ipaddr-text-rep section 3.2.  (The ABNF could
also be copied across, but it's not essential, and I'd like to avoid
a proliferation of duplicates.  The URI syntax document already has
a duplicate of an earlier version of the ABNF, in order to avoid a
publication dependency.)

[more than four digits in a hex piece]
>   On the other hand, draft-main-ipaddr-text-rep makes it clear that
>   such a notation is invalid.  I agree on this interpretation, though
>   this may be controversial as you can see in the thread above.

I don't think it's at all controversial.  Every source that has
explicitly addressed this issue specifies a maximum of four digits (see
ipaddr-text-rep section 2.2).  This issue was raised on this mailing list
last time ipaddr-text-rep was discussed, and there was an overwhelming
consensus for a maximum of four digits.

>2. draft-ietf-ipv6-scoping-arch-00.txt defines an extension of the
>   textual representation for IPv6 scoped addresses in order to
>   disambiguate the scope zone.  I'm not sure if
>   draft-main-ipaddr-text-rep should be modified to support the
>   extension (my current impression is that it's too much), but we
>   probably need to clarify relationship between these two documents.

The presentation format for unscoped addresses, specified in
ipaddr-text-rep, forms part of the scoped address syntax.  It's not
necessary to put the scoped address syntax in the same document.
There's a similar issue with the address prefix syntax; I considered
including that in ipaddr-text-rep, but I think it's already adequately
specified by section 2.3 of draft-ietf-ipv6-addr-arch-v4-00.

Section 10 of draft-ietf-ipv6-scoping-arch-00 incorporates the IPv6
unscoped address syntax by reference, without specifying which document
is to provide that syntax.  It should probably have an explicit normative
reference to ipaddr-text-rep.

Andrew Main (Zefram) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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