Title: Sites in draft "Unique Local IPv6 Unicast Addresses"


I just wanted to point out something that caught my attention when re-reading this draft. In draft-ietf-ipv6-deprecate-site-local-01.txt, section 2.4, there is an assertion that "Site is an ill-defined concept" followed by arguments.  When reading  draft-ietf-ipv6-unique-local-addr-01.txt, we can notice that the word "site" is referred many times, often to describe or limit some features or operations on the new defined addresses.

Then, though both documents are not to be considered as companion documents, I was wondering if it wouldn't be a good thing that draft-ietf-ipv6-unique-local-addr-01.txt gives the meaning of "site" as used for the writing, in order to prevent any confusion or amalgamate with the "site" that is discussed in draft-ietf-ipv6-deprecate-site-local-01.txt. As an exemple (well, for what it's worth) we can see "Apart from link-local, scope boundaries are ill-defined. What is a site?" (in the deprecate draft, section 2.4) on the one hand and "Well known prefix to allow for easy filtering at site boundaries" (in the ULA draft, section 1.0) on the other hand.

I think this should be clarified to prevent any misunderstanding. Moreover, while the list is discussing the name to be given to the new defined addresses (organi[zs]ation, local or… whatever), the fact to position the meaning of "site" used throughout the document might be a good thing.

I don't want to restart many discussions that took place on the list many times on "what is a site", but just wonder if it is a good thing to use "site" so many times in a document describing new addresses alternatives to "site-local addresses" without clarifying its meaning as far as the document is concerned. Notably, make it clear it isn't linked to any "scope" meaning but rather to some operational deployment cases (some examples could be provided from simple one to more complex making use of VPN or Mobile Nodes).

My two cents, FWIW...


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