as an IAB i was asked to comment on draft-ietf-ipv6-addr-arch-v4-00.txt,
        so here it is.  happy holidays.


        the use of word/concept "scope" needs more care.  moreover the
        terminology is not consistent (such as "link-scope" and "local scope"). 
        (maybe this is because there is a separate draft for scoped address
        architecture, but anyways, first-time readers will get confused).

        multicast scope is well documented in 2.7.  the problem is in the way
        unicast scope is documented.

        here are use of unicast "scope" in the document (maybe i missed some of
        2.1:    link-scope
        2.4:    of any scope 
        2.5.1:  over a broader scope
                local scope interface identifier
                universal scope interface identifier
                universal scope (multiple occurrences)
                local scope (multiple occurrences)
        2.5.3:  link-local scope

        solution: there has to be a section describing what the unicast "scope"
        is, in very early part of the document.  it can be very simple as there
        are only two scopes - link-local and global.
        use terminology such as "link-local scope" or "global scope"

        another solution: refer to scoped address architecture document.
        however, it will create dependency to scoped address architecture
        document which is not very desirable.

        it seems that the document tries to use "universal scope" to refer
        the scope of global unicast address, however, it is a bit confusing.
        maybe it is better to use "global scope" - in fact, ff0e::/16 is
        called "global scope", not "universal scope".

textual representation
        2.2 (1) has to state how many digits are permitted as "x"
        (one component between colon).  my personal preference is that
        "x" has to be 1 to 4 digits (5 digits or more is invalid).

        remove "::" from example for (3), as we no longer have
        IPv4 compatible address (not to confuse readers).

IPv4 mapped address
        if I remember correctly draft-itojun-v6ops-v4mapped-harmful-02.txt
        (IPv4 mapped address on-wire is harmful) got enough consensus.  please
        document that IPv4 mapped address is not permitted on wire, in 2.5.5.

        i know this is not a document to discuss on-wire stuff, however,
        there's no better place to document it.

IPv4 compatible address
        2.5.5 states that "The IPv6 transition mechanisms [TRAN] include..."
        for IPv4 compatible address.  however, [TRAN] (RFC2893) no longer
        includes automatic tunnel.

        solution: mark IPv4 compatible as historic, just like site-local.

        the last paragraph in 2.5.1 is incorrect: it states that "Interface IDs
        are required to be 64 bits long and to be constructed in Modified
        EUI-64 format".  however, after "and" (EUI64 portion) is not true.
        (it is not required to construct interface ID based on EUI64 format,
        moreover, EUI64 method is applicable only to interfaces of certain
        media types)

NSAP address
        2.5 and 2.5.4 talks about "encoded NSAP address" which is not of
        interest for many of the readers.  i'd suggest removing it.
        there could be other places where encoded NSAP address is mentioned.

        (is it used in practice?  it'll be interesting to see the
        implementation report when the document advances to DS)

security consideration
        it may be worthwhile to state that noone should use addresses as
        authenticator - AH (or ESP) has to be used instead.

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