Hi Erik,

> The fact that SEND doesn't currently provide security for proxy neighbor
> advertisements is an indication that 1) there isn't much perceived need
> for it and/or 2) it is hard to do since authorization is a challenge.

Indeed, proxy ND was perceived to be one of two hard problems during the
SEND design discussions, the other being cert-based ND, which would require
provisioning of every host with a cert. After discussion, the SEND WG
decided not to move forward with a solution primarily for tactical reasons.
In short, the WG felt that it would be better to wait for clear indication
of market acceptance for SEND rather than continuing and doing yet another
RFC that nobody really cared enough about to implement, put in their
products, and deploy. The original idea was to wait for some time to see
whether market acceptance was forthcoming, then do a BOF and restart the WG
to work on the remaining problems. It's an interesting technical problem,
though. From one perspective, one could view it as an instance of trust
transitivity, which is something that in general is not considered to be
very secure, hence the authorization challenge.


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