draft-arunt-prefix-delegation-using-icmpv6-00.txt is an interesting approach
to prefix delegation.  Looking at it objectively, it appears to me that this
protocol largely duplicates the prefix delegation functions in RFC 3633, at
an approximately equivalent cost in message exchanges and implementation
complexity.  Further, I believe there are several issues in prefix
delegation that are addressed in RFC 3633, but are not addressed as well or
at all in draft-arunt-prefix-delegation-using-icmpv6-00.txt:

 As I understand the protocol, there is a four message exchange between the
 RR and the DR for prefix delegation, which is equivalent to the message
 exchange in RFC 3633.  In draft-arunt-prefix-delegation-using-icmpv6-00.txt,
 the RR must be configured with the address of the DR, while RFC 3633 uses a
 multicast discovery mechanism.

 The mechanism for CPE identification seems inadequate, especially as
 compared to RFC 3633.  How is the uniqueness of the 32-bit identifier
 draft-arunt-prefix-delegation-using-icmpv6-00.txt ensured?  In RFC 3633,
 there are several ways in which a DUID for a device can be formed, with
 guarantees of uniqueness among all devices.

 Is there a way in draft-arunt-prefix-delegation-using-icmpv6-00.txt for the
 DR to communicate a preferred lifetime to the RR?

 How does draft-arunt-prefix-delegation-using-icmpv6-00.txt address the
 security issues raised in section 9?  There is also a security exposure in
 prefix revocation (section 7.2), where an attacker spoofing the identity of
 the DR can cause an RR to stop using previously delegated prefixes.

I think RFC 3633 meets the requirements from the prefix delegation
requirements document and includes the features needed for deployment
of prefix delegation service.  We have multiple implementations and have
demonstrated interoperability, and RFC 3633 prefix delegation is already
in commercial deployment, so I don't see the need at this time to
pursue an alternative prefix delegation protocol.

- Ralph

At 08:11 PM 5/1/2004 +0530, Arun Thulasi wrote:
Hello All,

We've submitted a draft that describes a mechanism for Prefix Delegation using ICMPv6 by satisfying the requirements mentioned in Requirements for IPv6 prefix delegation (draft-ietf-ipv6-prefix-delegation-requirement-04.txt) ..

Do let us know your comments and suggestions on the draft ..

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