i have problem understanding the intent of first paragraph of section 2.

>When a host chooses from multiple equivalent routers, it SHOULD
>support choosing using some method which distributes load for
>different destinations among the equivalent routers rather than
>always choosing the same router (e.g., the first in the list).
>Furthermore, a host that does attempt to distribute load among
>routers SHOULD use a hash-based scheme, such as those described in
>[MULTIPATH], which takes the destination IP address into account.

        "SHOULD" on the first line seems way too strong to me, if this text
        is targetted to random hosts around.  the subject of the sentence is
        not restricted ("a host"), so it seems to me that it includes
        memory/cpu/whatever-restricted hosts too.

        i would like to suggest either of the following:
        - change SHOULD to MAY
        - clearly state that this text/document applies only for hosts that
          intentionally support router load balancing/sharing


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