>>      ok, from the attached message, i can see which direciton you are going
>>      to.  i'll wait for the next revision.
>The proposed revised text (the entire Section 5.4.5) is attached
>below.  Is this acceptable?

        basically i'm happy with the text.  one thing boggles me is that
        the term "based on the hardware address" implicitly means "uniquely
        assigned hardware address", like MAC address, in the text.  hardware
        address may or may not be uniquely assigned (depending on underlying
        technology we will be using).  i'd love to see it clarified.


>5.4.5  When Duplicate Address Detection Fails
>   A tentative address that is determined to be a duplicate as described
>   above MUST NOT be assigned to an interface and the node SHOULD log a
>   system management error.
>   If the address is a link-local address formed from an interface
>   identifier based on the hardware address (e.g., EUI-64), IPv6       <---
>   operation on the interface SHOULD be disabled.  By disabling IPv6
>   operation, the node will then
>   -  not send any IPv6 packets from the interface
>   -  silently drop any IPv6 packets received on the interface
>   -  not forward any IPv6 packets to the interface (when acting as a
>      router or processing a packet with a Routing header)
>   In this case, the IP address duplication probably means duplicate
>   hardware addresses are in use, and trying to recover from it by     <---
>   configuring another IP address will not result in a usable network.
>   In fact, it probably makes things worse by creating problems that are
>   harder to diagnose than just disabling network operation on the
>   interface; the user will see a partially working network where some
>   things work, and other things will not.
>   On the other hand, if the duplicate link-local address is not formed
>   from an interface identifier based on the hardware address, IPv6    <---
>   operation on the interface MAY be continued.

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