>>>>> On Fri, 3 Sep 2004 11:57:36 +0200 , 
>>>>> "Elwyn Davies" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> Getting the wording right without creating double maintenance is a problem.

> The point is that an address prefix only specifies the (prefix length) left
> most bits.  RFC3513 has examples with essentially arbitrary bits to the
> right of the prefix.  FE80::0/10 implies but does not make explicit what the
> rest of the bits should be as well as putting back the double maintenance
> thing.

Okay, I see your first point.  Regarding the double maintenance issue,
I still think it's controversial.  In addition to the points I raised
in my previous message, we've already have several double-maintenance
issues on the unicast link-local prefix: several RFCs has already
hard-coded the concrete prefix of FE80::/10 or FE80::/64.  To name a

  RFC2464, RFC2472, RFC2491, RFC2497, RFC2590, RFC3146 (IPv6 over xxx links)
  RFC2529 (6over4)
  RFC2546 (6bone routing practice)
  RFC3315 (DHCPv6)

and I'm quite sure several other I-Ds also hard-coding the concrete

Will we really want to generalize the description for the existing
RFCs when they are to be revised?  Also, do we really want to "correct"
all those I-Ds, before publication, not to hardcode the constant to
avoid double maintenance problem?  I don't think so.  And if not, why
is rfc2462bis so special?


> How about:

> A link-local address is formed by combining the well-known link-local prefix
> [RFC3513] with the interface identifier as follows:

the organization of the suggested text looks fine, but I'd still
rather be concrete on the constant.  And then the revised text would
be as follows:

=========================== from here =================================
A link-local address is formed by combining the well-known link-local
prefix FE80::0 [RFC3513] (of appropriate length) with the interface
identifier as follows:

1. The left-most 'prefix length' bits of the address are the link
   local prefix
2. The bits in the address to the right of the link-local prefix are
   set to all zeroes
3. If the length of the interface identifier is N bits, the right-most
   N bits of the address are replaced by the interface identifier.

If the sum of the prefix length and N is larger than 128 ...
=========================== to here ===================================

Can we live with this?

                                        JINMEI, Tatuya
                                        Communication Platform Lab.
                                        Corporate R&D Center, Toshiba Corp.
                                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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