Hi Sanjay,

->      Q1:The description associated with 
-> "ipv4InterfaceIfIndex" implies
->      that it is same as the IF-MIB table's  ifIndex of the  _lower
->      layer_" interface on which IPv4 is being configured. Is this 
->      interpretation correct?


->      Q2:A row in the "ipv4InterfaceTable" represents the 
-> IPv4 attributes
->      associated with a existing layer2/lower_layer 
-> interface. Is this 
->      interpretation correct?


->          Q2.1 [If Q2 assumption is correct] All the lower layer
-> interfaces
->                  that are capable of IPv4 will show up in the
-> "ipv4InterfaceTable"
->              without user intervention. Is this assumption correct ?


->          Q.2.2 [If Q2 assumption is correct] An entry in the
-> "ipv4InterfaceTable"
->               _does not_ represent an IPv4 interface, rather a IPv4
-> capable interface
->               is this assumption correct?

->      Q3. [If Q1 & Q2 are correct] Why not represent each 
-> entry in the 
->      "ipv4InterfaceTable" as an IPv4 Interface (with its own index
-> -shared with MIB-II
->      or from its own space), where user explicitly decides 
-> to create an
-> IPv4 
->      interface on a specific lower layer interface?

  I am not sure what that separate index for IPv4 interface 
  Table achieves. If IPv4 is enabled on that interface (whether
  explicitly or implicitly), then ipv4InterfaceEnableStatus is set, 
  otherwise reset.

  I would look at ipv4InterfaceTable differently. There is no 
  concept of an 'IP interface', any where in the MIB literature 
  before. An interface, by default, represents a layer 1 and 
  layer 2 information. If IPv4 or IPv6 (layer 3) is configured 
  on an interface, then IP specific information is augmented 
  to the ifTable. All that the new draft does is, differentiation
  of IPv4 and IPv6 specific information on an interface.

  Note also that, there can be many IPv4 and/or IPv6 addresses
  configured on an interface (i.e., for any MIB-II ifindex), so,
  ipAddressTable will have multiple entries for a single MIB-II
  ifindex (which is always the case for IPv6). But, there will
  be only one entry for ipv4InterfaceTable and ipv6InterfaceTable
  for every MIB-II ifindex.

  Hope this helps.


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