On Thu, 2004-12-16 at 11:26 +0200, Pekka Savola wrote:
> On Thu, 16 Dec 2004, Jeroen Massar wrote:
> > Geoff, what is your opinion on asking IANA to publish this prefix list
> > through their whois interface (whois.iana.net) which currently does
> > serve some domains like .int.
> >
> > This would be useful for redirection purposes to the correct RIR or
> > simply finding out the RFC to which space this belongs to ;)
> This would probably be bad idea, because every script in the world 
> would be changed to query from the IANA whois, and they would get 
> swamped.

Every "script in the world" also queries whois.{apnic|arin|ripe|
lacnic}.net now where is the difference with that. Also note that for
instance geektools have their own whois server which does exactly what
is proposed, but that is hardly an official source...

Notez bien that whois clients are already too smart and could easily
cache this information.

> I symphatize with this, but it would seem that it might significantly 
> alter the IANA whois service requirements.. not something that can be 
> done overnight.

For what reason do they then run a whois server for .int ?
Nobody queries it ? :)

Another way for a whois client to find out who it needs to query could
of course also be to fetch http://www.iana.org/assignments/ipv6-address-
space every time and parse it to find out where it needs to query...
Otherwise what is the reason for standardizing the format using the
proposed document!?

~400 bytes of whois output versus ~4kb of http traffic...

Also it does not have to be done overnight, but somewhere along the
lines of next year would be fine by me ;)


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