Sorry this is very late... don't know if you are updating the draft ...

Comments below... essentially go ahead.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mukesh Gupta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 03 February 2005 04:43
> Cc:
> Subject: GEN-ART comments about ICMPv6 spec
> Hi Elwyn,
> I am trying to address your comments in the IESG
> review of the ICMPv6 draft.  Please see my comments
> inline.  Please note that I am on vacation in india
> for a month.  So I might not be able to respond to
> your replies for a while :)
> Sorry if the message is not very well formatted.
> ========= Your comment ===============
> Section 2: A particular issue is the proliferation of
> sub-protocols of
> ICMPv6: There are statements about ICMPv6 being 'fully
> implemented' -
> the exact meaning of this statement is unclear in the
> face of the
> existence of the sub-protocols which use ICMPv6
> message structure.
> Does 'fully implemented' (Section 2, para
> 1) mean just the stuff in this draft or all the
> sub-protocols - some
>   of the sub-protocols are not necessarily mandatory
> (at least parts
>   of Mobile IPv6, SEND).
> =========== My response ===============
> I think, this spec should require the implementation
> of just
> the messages/behaviors specified in this draft.
> Requirements
> for other sub-protocols should be specified in the
> respective
> specs.  What about replacing the following text
> ----------
> ICMPv6 is an integral part of IPv6 and MUST be fully
> implemented by every IPv6 node.
> ----------
> with
> ----------
> ICMPv6 is an integral part of IPv6 and the base
> protocol
> (all the messages and behavior required by this
> specification)
> MUST be fully implemented by every IPv6 node.
> ----------

> ========= Your comment ===============
> Section 2.1: The definition of the error message
> packet format does
> not explain the relationship between inclusion of the
> start of the
> offending packet and allowing the packet originator to
> notify the
> packet sender.  This means that the terms 'upper-layer
> protocol' and
> 'upper-layer process' appear without explanation later
> in the
> document.  I suggest a paragraph something like:
>     Inclusion of, at least, the start of the invoking
> packet is
>     intended to allow the originator of a packet that
> has resulted in
>     an ICMPv6 error message to identify the
> upper-layer protocol and
>     process that sent the packet.
> at the end of Section 2.1 would help.
> =========== My response ===============
> I don't see any problem with adding the suggested
> paragraph if it
> makes things clear.  Does anyone else have any issues
> with the
> suggested addition?
Not seen any additional comments.. so fine

> ========= Your comment ===============
> Section 2.2(b): The term 'anycast group' is not used
> elsewhere in the
> mainstream IPv6 RFCs.  All the referenced documents
> refer to 'anycast
> addresses'.  The term is used in the title of the
> magma WG but
> actually is not used in any of their documents either!
>  Hence: s/sent
> to a multicast or anycast group in which the node is a
> member/sent to
> a multicast group of which the node is a member or an
> anycast address
> that is implemented by the node/.
> =========== My response ==============
> I don't see a problem with this change and if no one
> else has any issue,
> I will update this in next rev.


> ========= Your comment ===============
> Section 2.2: I have noted
> previously (in connection with Neighbor Discovery)
> that the source
> address selection rules can lead to situations in
> which the scopes of
> the source and destination addresses are
> (legitimately) mismatched.
> It should be noted here that such packets MUST not be
> dropped by the
> packet transmission mechanisms in the node. Suggest
> adding the
> following to the end of the section:
>   Under some circumstances the scope of the chosen
> source address may
>   not match the scope of the destination address.
> ICMPv6 messages MUST NOT
>   be dropped in the node that generates the ICMPv6
> packet on account of
>   such a mismatch.
> However, there are also circumstances under which this
> mismatch can
> occur and is unhelpful.  For example, if an interface
> on a router only
> has a link local address, rule 2.2(b) may result in an
> ICMPv6 response
> to a problem with a site or global scope multicast
> destination address
> being sent with a link-local scope source address.  In
> the Neighbor
> Discovery cases, this is not a problem because all
> messages are link
> local anyway, but in other cases the ICMPv6 message
> may have to
> traverse some routers on its way back to the
> originator of the
> offending message: it is inconvenient to have to make
> special cases
> for scope checking here, and the message is much less
> helpful when it
> arrives back at the originator.  The problem could be
> considered to be
> a misalignment between rules 2.2(b) and 2.2(c): some
> thought needs to
> be put into what is the best solution, but the scope
> of the ICMPv6
> destination address and the nature of the sub-
> protocol need to be
> taken into account - 2.2(c) could be allowed to
> override 2.2(b) if the
> result was unhelpful in the way described, and a
> global unicast
> address belonging to the node could be used in place
> of the link local
> if the packet is expected to traverse other routers.
> Sections 2.2(c) and 2.2(d): There has been further
> discussion on the
> mailing list, since I reviewed this document for IETF
> LC, of whether
> 2.2(c) is ever implemented, and suggesting that it
> could be deleted.
> I would suggest that this is not a good idea, but that
> 2.2(d) does
> need improving to avoid a link local address being
> used
> inappropriately as discussed regarding 2.2(b).
> Section 4.2, para 3 of Description: The potential
> issue with
> link-local source addresses is reiterated here and
> needs to be cleaned
> up if 2.2 is altered.
> =========== My response ==============
> I will try to handle the above comments in a separate
> mail later as
> this needs a little thought :)

Havn't seen anything yet.  I'll try my own input
> ========= Your comment ===============
> Section 2.4(a): Three points:
> 1. It is worth clarifying that this applies only at
> the destination.
> 2. The term upper layer needs expansion: as the draft
> stands, this is
>   first mention of 'upper layer' {See above comment on
> Section 2).
> 3. The caveat of 2.4(d) applies.
> Suggest rewording 2.4(a) as follows:
>     (a) If an ICMPv6 error message of unknown type is
> received at its
>         destination, it MUST be passed to the
> upper-layer process that
>         originated the packet that caused the error,
> where this can be
>         identified (see Section 2.4(d)).
> =========== My response ==============
> The ICMP protocol has been there for a long long time
> and at least the
> implementors clearly understand what we mean by that
> statement.  Though
> I don't think this clarification is really needed, I
> wouldn't mind
> making this change.

Well.. maybe some new ones might come along so I think it is worth doing:-)
> ========= Your comment ===============
> Section 2.1: This section contains three distinct
> topics:
> 1. Grouping of ICMPv6 messages (error messages and
> informational
>   messages) and list of messages defined in this
> document.
> 2. General ICMPv6 packet format (starting at 'Every
> ICMPv6
>   message...')
> 3. Specialisation of general packet format for error
> message group
>   (starting at 'The subclass of ICMPv6...').
> I have previously commented that this section should
> be split up but
> the authors have resisted (on plausible grounds,
> partly related to the
> venerable age of the document).  However, the current
> arrangement is
> not helpful to a naive reader: The first topic
> contains a forward
> reference to the 'Type' field which is not defined
> until the second
> topic.  I think this problem could be solved(without
> section
> renumbering as I previously suggested) by reordering
> the topics in the
> order (2,1,3).
> =========== My response ==============
> Again, IMHO, this change is unnecessary at this point
> but changing
> the order of these statements doesn't really hurt too
> much.  So I
> will reorganize the text in the next rev.


> ========= Your comment ===============
> Section 2.1, last para: The draft now lists more
> message types than
> are actually defined in the document (some were added
> after this para
> was drafted I think): Suggest rewording as:
>   The following sections describe the message formats
> for the
>   ICMPv6 error message types 1 through 4 and
> informational message
>   types 128 and 129 listed in Section 4.1.
> =========== My response ==============
> Good point.  I will update the text in next rev.

> ========= Your comment ===============
> Sections 3 and 4: Section 3.3 contains the following
> (last para):
>   The rules for selecting the Source Address of this
> message are
>   defined in section 2.2.
> The other sub-sections of Sections 3 and 4 don't
> mention source
> address selection.  Suggest either this comment be
> moved to the
> beginning of Section 3 and added to Section 4 with
> 'this message'
> replaced by 'these messages'.  Alternatively, a note
> on source
> selection can be added in the 'IPv6 Fields' part of
> each sub-section.
> =========== My response ==============
> As we have already talked about the source address
> selection in
> section 2.2 and it applies to all the messages, I
> don't think
> we need to repeat in with all the messages again.  So
> I will
> remove that statement from 3.3.

I think that is OK.
> ========= Your comment ===============
> Section 4.1: Data field specification: Is it desirable
> to explicitly
> note that there is no limit on the amount of data?
> Much of the rest
> of the document limits ICMPv6 messages to the
> guaranteed minimum MTU,
> but these messages are intentionally allowed to be
> larger. Presumably
> even needing jumbo packet support.
> =========== My response ==============
> The spec limits the size of the ICMP "error" messages
> that are
> generated in response to some non-ICMP packet because
> of some
> error condition.  The spec does not limit the size of
> the
> "informational" ICMP messages that are either
> generated by the
> node directly or in response to those ICMP messages.
> So we
> explicitely say when we need to limit the size and we
> don't
> say anything when there is no limit.
> Do you really think we need to explicitely mention
> that there
> is no size limit for these messages?

I don't think it does any harm.
> I agree with all the other editorial nits and I will
> update them
> in the next rev.
> Regards
> Mukesh
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