
Somewhat related, I think it would be helpful to add something like the
following to the IANA considerations for addr arch (which is
effectively empty at the moment w.r.t. to allocation issues):

    IANA considerations for the management of global unicast address
    space can be found in [RFC 3513] and are not updated by this

    IANA considerations for the management of IPv6 multicast address
    space can be found in [RFC 3307] and are not updated by this

This raises the question I have had for a while, is when doing updates to existing standard what to put in the IANA section. It seems to me it should be what changes should be made to the IANA registries, not a complete copy. This is very different from the technical content of the document. [I am starting to wonder if IANA considerations really belong in RFCs, but lets not go there today :-) ]

Instead of what you suggested, I think something like the following would be better:

   No other IANA IPv6 address registries need to be changed based on
   this document.

A few reasons for this include the references to 3513 and 3307 doesn't capture the complete history of the current IANA registries and this document will obsolete 3513 and this might make the note confusing.


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