On 2005-05-17, Bound, Jim wrote:
> There is also Optimistic DAD that can be used for commercial mobile
> devices on wireless networks, one should review and check.  But, today I
> am aware of no implementations that do not implement DAD or have
> implemented Optimistic DAD (but there are folks on this list that can
> correct me if Optimistic DAD has been implemented???).

Optimistic DAD is in the Standards Track queue now.
We implemented it for Linux as part of the development process, and
I'll make the patch available again soon ... I'm working on other
things until the IESG/etc comments come back, then I'll update the
patch and release.  Some vendors have expressed their interest in
implementing once it is nailed down in an RFC.

Linux, at least, can be set up to not run DAD very simply by setting
the DAD retransmits parameter to 0.  Whether this is a good idea is
another matter.

There's some discussion of the original poster's question in the
OptiDAD draft: see draft-ietf-ipv6-optimistic-dad-05.txt



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  • Re: DAD Nick 'Sharkey' Moore

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