In your previous mail you wrote:

   Thanks for your information. Why IPv6 Broadband access service is so 
   dependent on DHCP6.

=> it is not so dependent: prefix delegation and service discovery
are optional services.

   Even if you run DHCP6-Relay on NAS there is some 
   problem in NAS for maintaining Route-information,

=> route for which prefix?

   Since NAS does not know What prefixes are allocated to internal
   access networks.

=> the NAS knows the Framed-IPv6-Prefix and can get the Delegated-IPv6-Prefix
when it runs a DHCPv6 relay (note a DHCPv6 relay or server is needed on
the NAS to delegate a prefix).

   Since CPE Device again needs to inform routing information to NAS,
   CPE device may not support routing protocols like BGP, OSPF.
=> I don't understand why. In fact on the NAS you have the choice between
to put the route directly or to accept the announce of the route by the
peer (CPE).

   There should be a simple prefix delegation mechanism such that NAS can
   directly use to advertise prefixes from AAA to its Access clients
   without using DHCP6 server.

=> you are far too late. There was a discussion about prefix delegation
mechanism and the DHCPv6 one wins, so now it *is* *the* prefix delegation

   If you don't support DHCP6 then IPv6 AAA does not have much use in NAS.

=> I don't understand your argument: the IPv6 AAA in NAS is about access
control, its use for IPv6 prefixes is only a convenient side effect.


PS: at the exception of the Delegated-IPv6-Prefix (too recent :-),
we have implemented the whole stuff for the server side of the Point6 box.

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