----- Original Message -----
From: "JINMEI Tatuya
> BTW: the following part of Section 5.5 may have some relevant point:
>    Creation of global and site-local addresses and configuration of
>    other parameters as described in this section SHOULD be locally
>    configurable. However, the processing described below MUST be enabled
>    by default.
> With the deprecation of site-local addresses and ignoring the "other
> parameters" part, it reads:
>   "Creation of global addresses SHOULD be locally configurable."
> I'm not 100% sure what "locally configurable" means, but I think this
> generally controls whether the node performs entire 5.5.3 or doesn't
> perform any part of 5.5.3 at all, rather than allowing finest-grained
> flexibility, e.g., whether or not follow some specific part of the
> rules such as 5.5.3 a.  If there is ambiguity here also, we may have
> to fix it 2462bis.

I am concerned that when we depreciated site-locals that we may have left
similar holes in many RFCs.

Is there a procedure where we (as a working group) can go back and modify
these already approved RFCs and replace them with an indication that it is
updated (say a letter to indicate that it the most recent one) rather than
having corrections listed in several newer RFCs or assigning it a new number
or going through a lengthy last call procedure where other issues might


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