James Kempf sent this mail to the IPv6 mailing list in May.

John L.


DoCoMo Labs USA has finally released its OpenSource implementation of RFC 3971, 3972, and 3779 for SEcure Neighbor Discovery (SEND). The code and documentation can be downloaded at:


Please don't send email directly to me about the distribution, there is an email address on the Web page that will get any comments or suggestions to the right people.

The implementation works on either Linux or BSD, and is being distributed under the BSD OpenSource license (i.e. not GPL). There are no restrictions on use, enhancement, or distribution.

From: ext John Spence [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 18 September, 2006 02:16
To: ipv6@ietf.org
Subject: CGA/SeND implementation - I believe pilot code was announced but Icannot find it ...



I believe I saw on this list, a few months ago, an announcement of a CGA/SeND early implementation – possibly for Linux but maybe for BSD.  I cannot find the announcement now.


Does anyone recall that?  If you could provide a pointer to that information I would greatly appreciate it.  Thank you.


John Spence



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