IPv6 WG Members,
     Please read the message below from the NomCom chair and consider
volunteering to serve.



From: Lakshminath Dondeti
To: IETF Announcement
Date: June 4, 2007
Subject: Nomcom 2007-8: First Call for Volunteers


If you have attended 3 out of the past 5 IETF meetings, you are eligible to
serve on Nomcom 2007-2008.  Please volunteer and you may become one of the
voting members of the committee that selects about half of the members
to the
IESG and IAB and one IAOC member.  RFC 3777 describes the process and the
responsibilities in detail.  Below is the list of people from the IESG,
IAB and
IAOC whose terms end during the March 2008 IETF meeting.


Ed Juskevicius


Leslie Daigle
Elwyn Davies
Kevin Fall
Olaf Kolkman
David Oran
Eric Rescorla


Lisa Dusseault -- Applications Area Director Jari Arkko -- Internet Area
Director Dan Romascanu -- Operations and Management Area Director Cullen
Jennings -- Real-time Applications and Infrastructure Area Director Ross
--- Routing Area Director Sam Hartman -- Security Area Director Magnus
Westerlund -- Transport Area Director

Before volunteering, please think about whether you want to be
considered for
one of those positions instead.  If you are already convinced, please
send an
email before 12:00 noon ET (16:00 UTC/GMT) on July 5, 2007 (otherwise,
read on)

Subject: Nomcom 2007-8 Volunteer

<Your Full Name>   // As you enter in the IETF Registration Form,
                           // First/Given name followed by Last/Family Name
<Current Primary Affiliation> // typically what goes in the Company field
                                          //  in the IETF Registration Form
[<all email addresses used to Register for the past 5 IETF meetings>]
email address>  //
<Telephone number>         // For confirmation if selected

Please expect an email response from me within 1-2 days stating whether
you are
qualified or not.  If you don't receive anything, please re-send your
email with
the tag (duplicate) in the subject line.

Not convinced yet?  Please consider that nomcom members play an
important role
in shaping the leadership of the IETF.  If you are a people person, you will
enjoy meeting many of the active contributors to the IETF.  If you prefer
instead to read a lot of email, well, we have that too.  Being a nomcom
is also an important responsibility: it requires adherence to
rules and some time commitment from the members.  The term begins just
prior to
the Chicago meeting and we expect most of the work to be completed by
2008.  During this period, the nomcom members

-- collect requirements from the community and interviews candidates
     during the Chicago and Vancouver IETF meetings
-- review candidates' statements and weighs community feedback
-- participate in candidate selection deliberations (weekly conferences

Nomcom members are selected following a publicly verifiable random selection
method specified in RFC 3797.

For the nomcom to work as it should, the pool from which the volunteers are
chosen should be as large as possible. The more people who volunteer,
the better
chance we have of choosing a random yet representative cross section of
the IETF

Ensuring the leadership of the IETF is fair and balanced and comprised
of those
who can lead the IETF in the right direction is an important
responsibility that
rests on the IETF participants at large.  Volunteering for the nomcom is
a good
way of contributing in that direction.  So please volunteer!


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