On Wednesday 27 June 2007 08:48:14 pm bill fumerola wrote:
> AfriNIC has implemented a PIv6 space policy[0]. part of it states:
> "* The 'end-site' must show a plan to use and announce the IPv6 provider
> independent address space within twelve (12) months. After that period,
> if not announced, the assigned IPv6 PI address space should be reclaimed
> and returned to the free pool by AfriNIC."
> the policy document[0] itself says "Open for Discussion" but:
> http://www.afrinic.net/policy.htm#policies
> afpol-v6200701        IPv6 Provider Independent (PI) Assignment for End-Sites 
>       13.06.2007      Implemented
> ... lists it as implemented.

The status has been fixed. 

> those in the AfriNIC region who want globally unique, registered space
> but do not plan to "announce the IPv6 PI address space" have no method
> of getting any such space. if anyone reads this differently than i do,
> please educate me. i don't think they mean 'announce' to partner(s) or
> within intra-AS boundaries, but admittedly i haven't read their mail
> archives to see if this angle was ever brought up.


> this leaves a few options like getting PA space from an LIR or becoming
> a LIR(?!) as an option of getting space for the purpose of unique local
> addressing, but the downside(s) to that seem too obvious to mention.
> you could also announce the PI or LIR block and just null route it on
> your edge, but i don't think that's the spirit of the policy and is a
> slap in the face to those trying to keep the IPv6 global routing tables
> tight & clean.
> so in the AfriNIC region, "why not just get PI space for what you want
> ULA-C for" isn't an option and the alternatives and workarounds aren't
> that clean.
> in that region there is a separate ULA-C policy[1] 'under discussion'
> (and others[2] submitted by the same person), but i think there's been
> general consensus on RIR lists and history on policies with global
> implications that says the outcome of an IETF decision one way or another
> on the fate of ULA-C (or another I-D that addresses similar needs perhaps
> out of a different prefix than ULA-*) is more desirable than individual
> RIRs acting prematurely or making policy based on proposed I-Ds.
> nothing prevents other RIRs from changing their policies later to have
> similar requirements. also, nothing indicates other RIRs are considering
> changing their policies in this direction now or in the future.

the PI policy was not developed and discussed to cover the ULA-C needs.
The ULA-C proposal did  not reach concensus in our region and the outcome of 
the IETF discussions is awaited. But nothing prevents the region for changing 
the PI policy.


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