Suresh Krishnan wrote:

Hi Folks,
This draft describes how to use overlapping fragments in IPv6 to bypass firewalling restrictions. It recommends disallowing overlapping fragments in IPv6.


The following two documents provide fairly detailed analysis of this (and other issues) that IPv6 Firewalls should consider:

Firewall Design Considerations for IPv6

A Filtering Strategy for Mobile IPv6

The first document covers other interesting issues with fragments, including the possibility of tunneled fragments being fragmented again ... header option ordering, etc.

As far as specsmanship to "prohibit" overlapping fragments, if the motivation is to change/ensure the behavior of all end nodes, updating 2460 (or some other vehicle) might make sense.

If the goal is to effect the behavior of firewalls, what we really need is a firewalls capability spec. As far as I know, firewalls are not required to enforce all aspects of protocol correctness ... nor are they required to follow all aspects of end to end protocol specs. So it is questionable if changing 2460 will impact firewall behavior ... unless the firewall community decides on its own that it is a useful/necessary feature to implement. Maybe it would some leverage that customers could use to lean on FW implementors .... but it would be indirect.

| Doug Montgomery       Manager, Internetworking Technologies Research Group |
| Advanced Network Technologies Division      WWW: |
| National Institute of Standards and Technology      Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
| 100 Bureau Drive                                    Voice: +1-301-975-3630 |
| Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8920 USA                     Fax:   +1-301-975-6238 |
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