On Wed, 24 Sep 2008 11:23:28 -0400, Suresh Krishnan
> 1) Inside_Host(Port X)->Outside_Host(Port Y) SYN=1,ACK=0
> 2) Outside_Host(Port Y)->Inside Host(Port X) SYN=1,ACK=1
> 3) Inside_Host(Port X)->Outside_Host(Port Y) SYN=0,ACK=1
> ...
> 99) Outside_Host(Port Y)->Inside Host(Port X) SYN=0,ACK=1
>      (Fragment: OH(Port Z)->IH(Port 80) SYN=1,ACK=0)
> The packet numbered 99) will not be filtered even by a stateful firewall.

But then the dialog is established and a SYN=1 ACK=0 packet in the reverse
direction is not really an issue. In fact some stateful firewalls may even
allow the packet due to optimizations.

Rémi Denis-Courmont

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