
Version 01 of the 3122-bis proposal for inverse ND is now available. The
draft generalizes the use of Inverse-ND to a number of interfaces and in
particular as a helper for first hop security. It also fixes some format
error from the original RFC and suggests a way to provide SeND in
Inverse ND.

Changes include a new mechanism for detecting a loss of address, that is
simpler than the "full status"-like mechanism that was proposed in draft
00. Sadly, the authors only got one-to-one questions and comments and
we'd really appreciate that this list be cc'ed to illustrate the
interest that the draft as raised so far.

Comments appreciated (: on-list :), 


--- Begin Message ---
A new version of I-D, draft-thubert-3122bis-01.txt has been successfuly 
submitted by Pascal Thubert and posted to the IETF repository.

Filename:        draft-thubert-3122bis
Revision:        01
Title:           IPv6 Inverse Neighbor Discovery Update
Creation_date:   2009-02-27
WG ID:           Independent Submission
Number_of_pages: 13

This draft updates the Inverse Discovery Specification [RFC3122] to
provide Secure Neighbor Discovery.  The behaviour of the protocol is
slightly amended to enable an easier management of the addresses on a
link and enable Secure ND.

The IETF Secretariat.

--- End Message ---
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