
Section 2.3 of draft-arifumi-6man-rfc3484-revise-01 says:

> 2.3.  To change ULA address scope to site-local
>    RFC 5220 Section 2.1.4, 2.2.2, and 2.2.3 describes address selection
>    problems related to ULA.  These problems can be solved by changing
>    the scope of ULA to site-local.

This change will also create a new problem, for sites that configure a
VPN to another partner site using ULAs on both sites, so that ULA-to-ULA
traffic can use the VPN. In this case ULA=global and longest match may
well be the correct choice. If we change to ULA=site-local, then there
must be a note that sites wishing to use ULAs for VPN communications
will need to configure local 3484bis policy accordingly. (This is
really the inverse of what is stated in RFC 5220.)

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