
Alexandru Petrescu <alexandru.petre...@gmail.com> writes:

> I tend to think MIPv6 RO is not deployed in CNs, at least not as wide as
> expected.
> With respect to Raj's earlier suggestion, I wouldn't agree substituting
> RFC5555 for RFC3775, i.e. to use DSMIPv6 instead of Mobile IPv6 -
> because Mobile IPv6 and Mobile IPv4 have been used successfully for this
> goal, with practical implementations, simultaneously; whereas I'm not
> aware of DSMIPv6 implementations(?).

I am also against switching from RFC 3775 to RFC 5555. I think *far
more* feedback on DSMIPv6 is needed, i.e. implementation and deployment.   

> I would also recommend to suggest the use of NEMOv6 protocol extensions
> to Mobile IPv6, whenever talking Mobile Nodes.  I.e. say "Mobile Nodes
> (Mobile Hosts and Mobile Routers RFC3963)".  It would have been easier
> if RFC3775 referred to RFC3963 but it's not the case, and 3775bis not too.
> RFC3963 NEMOv6 implementations are probably as widespread as Mobile IPv6
> implementations.  Additionally, radvd (which is widely used on linux)
> does mention RFC3963 and does implement the HA NEMOv6 features necessary
> in RA.
> I think the qualification of use of NEMOv6 RFC3963 could be as strong as
> RFC3775 (MAY?).

+1. If one ask someone the reference documents about MIPv6, the answer
will probably be RFC 3775, RFC 3963 and RFC 4877. From a development
standpoint, extending an existing MIPv6 implementation to support NEMO
is easy. IMHO, it is a good idea to have NEMO at the same level as

 > For example, for this current Node Requirements text:
>> Routers SHOULD support the generic mobility-related requirements for
>> all IPv6 routers described in Section 8.3 of [RFC-3775].  Routers
>> MAY
>>  support the home agent functionality described in Section 8.4 of
>> [RFC-3775], including support of [RFC-2473] and [RFC-3776].
> I'd suggest  something like: "Routers (Mobile Routers or Home Agents)
> MAY support Mobile Router and Home Agents respective implementations, as
> described in RFC3775 and RFC3963."  Or similar.
> A Mobile Router is different from a Router, for example, because of a
> relatively strong recommendation, in that it must not join
> (capitalized) the all-routers link-local multicast address when not at
> home.
> Finally, RFC3776 has been updated by another RFC, which could be
> mentioned.  Whose implementation status I don't know.

RFC 4877.


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