Le 28 juil. 09 à 13:19, Francis Dupont a écrit :

 In your previous mail you wrote:

To take in consideration your (useful) remark, the proposal could be
   improved by replacing a SHOULD by a MAY:
- IPv6 hosts MAY accept UDP zero checksums (but of course MUST still
   send non-zero UDP checksums).
   - v4 to v6 translators MAY either compute UDP checksums when
   receiving UDP zero checksums OR translate with the zero checksum

=> if you believe this non-issue still needs a solution in standards
IMHO it is far better to deprecate zero UDP checksums.

Different view here.
- Deprecating a permitted behavior doesn't change existing hosts in any short time. - Relaxing an unnecessary constraint lets host free to take advantage of it or not.

If you don't
believe just reuse RFC 2765 choice.

RFC 2765 says
   Fragmented IPv4 UDP packets that do not contain a UDP checksum (i.e.
   the UDP checksum field is zero) ... will not be translated by the
The (improved again) proposal would be that two additional behaviors are permitted (with a MAY).
They are:
- translate with the zero checksum unchanged
- Compute the UDP checksum (in the single fragment case where it consumes CPU power but is not complex).


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