Le 4 août 09 à 16:59, Mohacsi Janos a écrit :

On Tue, 4 Aug 2009, Rémi Després wrote:

Le 4 ao?t 09 ? 16:30, Lars Eggert a écrit :

On 2009-8-4, at 16:27, Rémi Després wrote:
You seem to have missed that the proposal includes a relaxation of
the constraint that zero-checksum UDP datagrams MAY be accepted by
hosts ion the future, just to avoid unnecessary black holes in case
of v4 to v6 translations.
isn't it a non-starter for a translation based *transition* mechanism to depend on host changes?

I don't think so, because it's never too late do do some good without doing any harm.

IMHO, translators SHOULD forward zero-checksum datagrams RATHER THAN dropping them. No harm expected. Avoiding to drop them by computing payload checksums is another possible behavior, at least for single fragment datagrams. But it implies to compute payload checksums, which may be considered too expensive and opening a door to DOS attacks.

IMHO also, hosts, at their next patch release, SHOULD silently accept zero-checksum IPv6 datagrams RATHER THAN silently dropping them. No harm expected.

In your previous mail your state MAY instead of SHOULD.

True, but here this is a SHOULD "RATHER THAN drop"

Or you are proposing submitting a draft? :
"Acceptance of zero checksum IPv6-UDP headers at end-host"

No plan to do this as long as the discussion shows it will be flatly rejected. (So far I received only doubts, objections and criticisms, but not any support.)


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