
Thank you for comments on the draft. I've been on a short vacation and now the students are coming back, so I have a handful of excuses for not having responded faster. O:-)

Brian E Carpenter wrote:
2.2.  Autoconfiguration for Global Scope

   This usually means that the next hop of that default route will only
   be useable with the source address learned from that default router.

Can you be more explicit that any global scope routing table MAY
contain a default route and that the default route could be different
for each source address? (I do mean MAY; there might be source addresses
with no default route.)

I've been rewriting the draft with this idea in mind:

If an address has a default route, it is global scope.
If an address does not have a defaut route, it's link local, site local or some other limited scope.

This means that even can be global scope, when it's behind a NAT box that is connected to the Internet.

2.3.  Site Local Scope

Since we abolished this for IPv6 and it is undefined for IPv4,
could you try a more neutral phrase such as

I was thinking of RFC1918 and ULA when I was writing this.

 2.3.  Limited Scope

Is this the term used by the ULA drafts?
 (Maybe I should add them to my reading list too ...)
I'll try to start using this term.

(For some thoughts about limited scope,
see draft-carpenter-behave-referral-object.)

I'm trying to keep my algorithm itself completely scope agnostic, although your idea of ScopeIDs could be very useful in identifying when two or more interfaces belong to the same routing domain and their tables could be combined in forwarding or routing protocol cases.

Although right now I'm reconsidering removing the forwarding and routing protocol sections from the draft, since they only seem to cause confusion.

3.1.  Route and Table Preferences
   In order to perform source address selection, only one destination
   address SHOULD be presented to the algorithm, which will then look
   for the address in all tables and sort the source addresses where it
   was found according to the precedences.

   In order to perform destination address selection, only one source
   address SHOULD be presented to the algorithm along with the set of
   destination addresses.  The algorithm will then look for all the
   given destination addresses in the table associated with the source
   address and sort the results according to the precedences.

I see this as a bit of a problem. The underlying issue for
host-based multipath approaches (including shim6) is to pick
the best address pair, not to pick the best source given a
destination or vice versa. We should allow for such an algorithm
as well.

Heh, it feels nice to find a kindred spirit. (My original impetus for starting to work on this draft was host-based multi-homing :-)

The algorithm presented in the draft works on address pairs ONLY.
The two paragraphs you quoted are there to explain how the algorithm can be used to perform "one sided address selection", for backwards compatibility with RFC3484 which doesn't support any other notions.

I guess I should move those paragraphs into some other part of the document and maybe give them a more descriptive title.

        Aleksi Suhonen
        Department of Communications Engineering
        Tampere University of Technology
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