Call for presentations and participation


Location: Shanghai, China

Date: November November 5-6th, 2009

Official website:

Internet growth faces a significant challenge in the coming years, as the
pool of remaining unallocated IPv4 address space is expected to be depleted.
At the same time new applications and connectivity options are multiplying
the number of Internet users. For instance, billions of mobile phone users
are expected to require IP connectivity in the coming years, either for
traditional Internet services or the eventual move of circuit switched voice
to IP.

The lack of addresses will have many impacts in the short term. But the
networking community has also come to the realization that long term, the
only viable model is to move to IPv6, as IPv6 allows a significantly larger
number of devices to be addressed. Network operators, equipment vendors, and
various organizations have been readying their systems to prepare for this.
The pace of these preparations has picked up in recent year as the final end
of IPv4 resources has become clearer. However, while IPv6 traffic is growing
and there is widespread product support for IPv6, on a global scale IPv6
connectivity is still available only in a fraction of networks. Improving
the situation requires time, effort, commercial incentives, and technology.
The commercial incentives exist often initially only for specific problem
domains. Once a tipping point is reached a more general demand drives the
remainder of the deployment.

The goal of this workshop is to look at IPv6 deployment in the context of
GPRS, UMTS, and LTE cellular networks. Technology to provide IPv6
connectivity has existed in these networks since 2003, after 3GPP Release 5
provided the necessary standards to support standard dual stack operation,
enabling both IPv4 and IPv6 connectivity. Most of the network components
that you can buy today support this, and countless trials have been run.
However, no commercial deployments have turned IPv6 on to date. Part of the
reason for this is that only a subset of terminals support IPv6, and that so
far, it has been possible to run cellular networks on IPv4 addresses.
However, the increase in the number of users and the desire to run always-on
and address & port hungry applications may make this harder in the future.

This workshop focuses on the operational, business, and technical enablers
that would allow us to move faster to an IPv6 enabled commercial deployment.
The topics suitable for the meeting include:

- implementation and test reports

- operational experiences

- business requirements for specific scenarios

- reports of ongoing IETF activities

- IPv6 functionality in 3GPP networks

The main focus of the workshop is discussion of the requirements, sharing of
experiences, and gaining an understanding of what further actions might help
IPv6 deployment. Note that the workshop is not a forum to create new IPv6
transition tools or the further development of existing ones. Working groups
in the IETF are the right place for that.

This workshop is also not the place to agree on specific changes to cellular
network standards. Such changes are a topic for the 3GPP.

However, by bringing this workshop together, China Mobile hopes to promote a
better understanding of this problem space and requirements, and provide
input to the standardization efforts in the IETF and 3GPP.

If you have any questions related to this workshop, please feel free to
contact with local committees:

Workshop co-chair: Hui Deng,, Tel: +86 13910750201

Assistant: Bo Zhou, , Tel: +86 13811948723


Bo Zhou
China Mobile
IETF IPv6 working group mailing list
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