Dear all,
In section 3 of RFC4862 (SLAAC), it states as follows:
"   o  A large site with multiple networks and routers should not require
      the presence of a DHCPv6 server for address configuration.  In
      order to generate global addresses, hosts must determine the
      prefixes that identify the subnets to which they attach.  Routers
      generate periodic Router Advertisements that include options
      listing the set of active prefixes on a link."
My question is how the host determines the prefixes allocated from different
prefix pools?
For example, suppose we have two prefix pools, one for the IPTV service and
the other for the HSI service.
For a specific link with a PC for the HSI service and a STB for the IPTV
service,  the router generates the Router Advertisements with two active
prefixes allocated from the two different pools. 
1) Will the STB accept both prefixes and generate two global addresses?
1) Or the STB will accept only the prefix allocated from the prefix pool for
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