Hi Tim,
In section 7.3 of draft-ietf-6man-addr-select-considerations-02, the second
paragraph reads: 
"It may of course be possible to piggy back policy information to a host in
a Router Advertisement message, though initial consensus seems to be that
this is a less attractive approach." 
I think it would be more convincing if there were some text about the reason
why the push model is a less attractive approach. This would also give
people a chance to validate this initial consensue.
Besides, I would be grateful if you could let me know why the second
sentence of the paragraph has been removed, because I once thought this
might be a possible solution. The removed sentence reads: 
"However, we may find that RAs may be a good place to indicate whether a
default policy is in place or not, to avoid hosts requesting non-existent
updates via DHCPv6."
Thanks a lot!
Best regards,
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