I have a question about draft-ietf-6man-node-req-bis-05.txt.
Section 5.2:

   Redirect functionality SHOULD be supported.  If the node is a router,
   Redirect functionality MUST be supported.

However, draft-ietf-6man-node-req-bis-05.txt refer to the normative text on 
Neighbor Discovery, ie RFC4861 that says:
Section 8.2:

 A router SHOULD send a redirect message, subject to rate limiting,
   whenever it forwards a packet that is not explicitly addressed to
   itself (i.e., a packet that is not source routed through the router)
   in which:

      - the Source Address field of the packet identifies a neighbor,

      - the router determines (by means outside the scope of this
        specification) that a better first-hop node resides on the same
        link as the sending node for the Destination Address of the
        packet being forwarded, and

      - the Destination Address of the packet is not a multicast

It seems that the Node requirement text is going above and beyond what is 
required by RFC4861, transforming the SHOULD into a MUST.
I might have missed (or do not remember) the discussion, is there a reason for 
this change? And shouldn't the ND spec have been changed first
to allow to upgrade the SHOULD into A MUST?

For the record, I support the SHOULD in RFC4861 and I would rather like to see 
the node requirements document say the same thing.

   - Alain.

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