I think the argument sounds reasonable given that the intent of
draft-ietf-6man-exthdr is to standardize the IPv6 extension headers that
might get proposed in the future.


On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 5:04 AM, Bhatia, Manav (Manav) <
manav.bha...@alcatel-lucent.com> wrote:

> Hi Suresh,
> > It is not clear to me what the problem is. Please state the
> > problem you
> > are trying to solve and why draft-ietf-6man-exthdr does not meet the
> > purpose. We can then work together to get the issue(s) fixed.
> > The draft
> > is in its current state because it solves the following problems
> >
> > *) Need for a standardized format for new extension headers (for
> > efficient parsing and for middlebox skipping)
> > *) Need to conserve protocol number space (1 allocation for all new
> > extension headers vs. 1 allocation per new extension header)
> > *) Need to differentiate new extension headers from new transport
> > protocols (non-GIEH next header value==>New transport protocol)
> Ok, so this clears one doubt that I had which was that we would use GIEH
> for all new allocations (even new transport protocols). Patently, this is
> not the case and it will only be used for new v6 extension headers. This
> sounds good!
> My concern with the current format is that it does not help in
> incrementally introducing new v6 extension headers. I would like to add the
> following to the list of problems that GIEH currently solves:
> *) Some Hdr Options that indicates what a processing node MUST do when it
> does not recognize the extension header its trying to process
> (drop/pass/etc). We cannot necessarily assume that it will always be the end
> node that's trying to process an extension header. You could also have some
> intermediate node processing extension headers and what if it does not
> understand them? It (or the end node) could either ignore this (indicated in
> the Hdr Option) or it could raise hell and drop the packet (again indicated
> in the Hdr Options).
> Thanks, Manav
> >
> > Thanks
> > Suresh
> >
> >
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